Tokens for Find Group

The Find Group activity produces the following tokens.

Note: If a group's Display Name is not set, the value for the group's Account Name is used for the Display Name token instead.

Name Description Sample Syntax*
Member Count The number of members in the group found by the Find Group activity. %(FindGroup_Member Count)
Group Member E-mail A multi-value token containing the e-mail addresses of each member in the group found by the Find Group activity. %(FindGroup_Group Member E-mail)

The ID of the group found by the Find Group activity.

Note: For LDAP and Windows groups, the ID token is replaced by the group's SID. For Laserfiche groups, the ID token is replaced by the group's ID, not their SID.

Display Name The display name of the group found by the Find Group activity. %(FindGroup_Display Name)
Account Name The account name of the group found by the Find Group activity. %(FindGroup_Account Name)
E-mail The e-mail address of the group found by the Find Group activity. %(FindGroup_E-mail)
Is Group Whether the group found by the Find Group activity is a group. The value of this token is always True. %(FindGroup_Is Group)
Qualified Name The unique identifying name of the group found by the Find Group activity. %(FindGroup_Qualified Name)
Working Folder The working folder for the group found by the Find Group activity. The working folder is the folder specified in the Find Group's Folder Token Settings property box. If no folder is specified in this property box than the working folder is the default folder. %(FindGroup_Working Folder)
Default Folder The default folder for the group found by the Find Group activity. %(FindGroup_Default Folder)
Managers E-mail The e-mail address(es) of the manager(s) of the group found by the Find Group activity. If the group has more than one manager, their e-mail addresses will be listed in a multi-value token. %(FindGroup_Managers E-mail)

*The "FindGroup" portion of the syntax changes to match the activity's name as specified in the Activity Name property box. Note that all non-alphanumeric characters, except underscores, are removed from the name. For example, if you rename the activity Look for *Marketing*, the syntax for the Id token will be %(LookforMarketing_Id).

Tokens for each member of the group

You can access the tokens for each member of the group when this activity is used with the For Each User activity. The For Each User activity runs one time per user, group, or manager. Each time it runs, the token values reflect the information relevant to the user it is currently processing.

Note: If a user's Display Name is not set, the value for the user's Account Name is used for the Current User_Display Name token instead.

Name Description Sample Syntax*
Current User_Id

The current user's ID.

Note: For LDAP and Windows users, the ID token is replaced by the user's SID. For Laserfiche users, the ID token is replaced by the user's ID, not their SID.

%(ForEachUser_Current User_Id)
Current User_Display Name The current user's Display Name. %(ForEachUser_Current User_Display Name)
Current User_Account Name The current user's Account Name. %(ForEachUser_Current User_Account Name)
Current User_E-mail The current user's e-mail address. %(ForEachUser_Current User_E-mail)
Current User_Is Group Whether the current user is a group. This token can have one of two values: True or False. %(ForEachUser_Current User_Is Group)
Current User_Qualified Name The current user's unique identifying name. %(ForEachUser_Current User_Qualified Name)
Current User_Working Folder The current user's working folder. The working folder is the user's folder specified in the Find User, Find Group or Find Manager Folder Token Settings property box. If no folder is specified in this property box than the working folder is the default folder. %(ForEachUser_Current User_Working Folder)
Current User_Default Folder The current user's default folder. %(ForEachUser_Current User_Default Folder)
Current User_Managers E-mail The e-mail address(es) of the current user's manager(s). If the current user has more than one manager, their e-mails will be listed in a multi-value token. %(ForEachUser_Current User_Managers E-mail)

*The "ForEachUser" portion of the syntax changes to match the activity's name as specified in the Activity Name property box. Note that all non-alphanumeric characters, except underscores, are removed from the name. For example, if you rename the activity Distribute-to-User, the syntax for the Current User_Id token will be %(DistributetoUser_Current User_Id).